

アルバム"Too soon monsoon"に収録された"BMX bandits"のエピソードは楽しいので、そこだけ訳しておきました。
■What's your recording pcocess like?

The first record was made in the besement during a three week period, and the second one took a long time as well. But, the third one is one we sort of did correctly finally. And we recorded live in this room.And a preference was used to be here

I think that's better way personally
Professional plays are so expensive that, you know, prohibited.
Anyway I think we've get better vibe here. So that's the real reason.

as a whole, there are some vitals when you write a song and a lot of songs lose what they have when you write them in a studio. Then I finally retain more of that whatever it is when you're at home.
■What is your song writing process?
I usually demo, everything first in play all instruments drums or which I do the drum machine they tend to become more interested they get off the grid and start to flow quite a bit more, and thenthey become rock soul.
■How did "BMX Bandits" come about?
I was BMX kid when I was thirteen,… eleven twelve or thirteen somewhere around there. because of the movie "BMX bandits" you know, just having a crush on a I got back on my bike a couple of years ago. I tried to start riding again. I actually was able to get good for a while, and then I broke my collarbone.

(13才の頃、ぼくはBMXキッドだった、いや、11才か12才か13才か、まあそのへんだね。映画の『BMXバンディッツ』(注:83年のオーストラリアの子供向けの映画→BMX Bandits (film) - Wikipedia)のせいで、2、3年前に自分の自転車をまた手に入れた。それでクラッシュした。もう一回乗るのにトライして、しばらくはすごくうまくいったんだ。で、そのあと鎖骨を折っちまった。)